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App MD WiFi 2.9.0 release is out!

  23 January 2020

A few days ago we released the App MD WiFi release 2.9.0, introducing two new amazing functions that allow your training with MagneticDays always to the top.

App MD WiFi Relase 2.9.0 | SPRINT HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training)

The first new introduction of App MD WiFi Release 2.9.0 is the SPRINT HIIT (High Intensive Interval Training) – a workout mode that improves one of the last functions in the release 2.7.0 – that allows to made an acceleration (cadence increasing) for “X times” within the same workout step, keeping the magnetic brake in a fixed position (condition that’s determinated by the Coach) with the possibility to recover in 2 modalities: cycling or STOP function (timer is ON even if the user/athlete is not in movement). The type of recovery is chosen by the Coach on the basis of the tipology of workout.

App MD WiFi Relase 2.9.0 | POWER PEAK TEST

The second introduction of App MD WiFi Release 2.9.0 is the POWER PEAK TEST. It consists in the possibility to make a maximum power test in order to establish the maximum performance (parameters) that can be reached by the athletes for their use in the sprint mode (SPRINT and SPRINT HIIT functions). This test involves a series of accelerations followed by a recovery phase (active or passive); accelerations occur keeping the magnetic brake in a fixed position (just as in the SPRINT and / or SPRINT HIIT) and dependent on the parameters chosen by the Coach. Unlike the SPRINT HIIT, in the POWER PEAK TEST the magnetic brake position is fixed but different for each acceleration, because it depends on the parameters set by the Coach. Our gol, indeed, is to establish the best execution condition for each user/athlete.

App MD WiFi Release 2.9.0 | MagneticDays