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MD Multi-Session Operation/Project co-financed under the Regional operational programme of the European regional development fund.

Tuscany POR CREO 2014-2020 | Area 1 – Action 1.1.2 “Aid to SMEs for the acquisition of services for technological, strategic, organizational and commercial innovation of enterprises”


The project

The aim of the project is to develop the integration and transfer of the digital data flow between the MAGNETICDAYS Training System and the digital control systems.

The project involves the study, design and implementation of a Cloud platform in order to allow online storage and data sharing, and to promote the exchange of information with partners. Through this technological evolution, the company will enter the era of Advanced Manufacturing in Industry 4.0.

While developing the new App, O.R.F. intends to invest in activities related to the management of direct multi-channel communication with customers, in order to strengthen the sales and communication activities of its production line. This will be done through the installation and use of professional CRM software capable of managing the information flow between the Customer and the Company.

MD MULTISESSION | PORCREO 2014-2020 | md-multisession