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How can we help you?

We try to find solutions you need as quickly as possible.
With this form you can open a support ticket, a technical support request to our Customer Service via email or telephone.

The ticket can be submitted without time restrictions, but will be examined by our service team during office time (Monday to Friday 8:00 – 12:00 | 15:00 – 17:00).

The type of ticket (free or chargeable) depends on the machine’s status; in case of service requests for second-hand machines (used machines purchased from private individuals and not directly from MagneticDays) the service ticket is chargeable.

Tips for opening a ticket:

  • Provide all the information necessary to identify and circumscribe the problem
    Give a detailed description of the problem, the circumstances under which it occurs, any details or error messages.
  • Avoid opening multiple tickets for the same problem
    One of the (many) advantages of the ticket is that all information about a certain problem is concentrated within the same ticket; opening several tickets for the same problem only disperses this information, making resolution often more complicated or, at least, more time-consuming.

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